Monday, August 24, 2009

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

My mother always says that the sun always rises after the longest and darkest of nights. And however, cold and gloomy it may be until you wait for the sun, you have to plough along and keep faith. Life will never be smooth sailing all the way. The key to surviving the obstacles that are thrown your way is to tell yourself that you are growing in experience as you learn to cope. That what's not killing you is making you tremendously stronger. That, in the future, you will know better than to make the mistakes that got you into this soup in the first place. That God is looking over you the whole time and has a wonderful plan in store for you, you just don't see it yet. And that you will know of that plan only once you've seen yourself through your difficulty with your head held high. But in the meantime you must realize that however discouraged and disillusioned you may be, however angry and bitter you may feel, however much you scream "Why me?", your situation will not change unless you make the choice to change your attitude from one of despair and hatred to one of quiet reflection, learning, gratefulness and optimism. On beautiful, happy days we thank God for blessing us with beauty and happiness. But, on days that are dark and depressing, one must thank God also for putting us through the test to bring out the strength in us that we never knew we possessed, and that we are now armed with to attack the rest of our lives. Through difficult days, it is easy to fall prey to blaming people and circumstances, to losing faith and to becoming self-destructive. But one must keep reminding oneself of God's wonderful plan for us and the fact that there is a reason why the cosmos put us through one's ordeal. One must vow to become the best person that one can - to help and support friends & family, to make them happy, to never react negatively towards people who don't behave in the best manner with us, to never even for once stoop to the lowliness of people that have caused us pain, but rather to continue being a decent, well-meaning, kind-hearted individual who is sensitive but firm enough to stand up for himself. For as is said in the Bhagavad Gita, it as much a sin as to suffer injustice without protest as it is to perpetrate it. So, however hard it may seem, keep your spirits up, for something wonderful awaits you. Count your blessings. Think of people who are in situations far worse than yours and far more helpless than you are. Look at the silver lining in your situation, there is always one. Be a good person and good things will never fail to happen to you. It is the law of the universe.
The sun'll come out
Bet your bottom dollar
That tomorrow
There'll be sun!
Just thinkin' about
Clears away the cobwebs,
And the sorrow
'Til there's none!
When I'm stuck a day
That's gray,
And lonely,
I just stick out my chin
And Grin,
And Say,
The sun'll come out
So ya gotta hang on
'Til tomorrow
Come what may
I love ya
You're always
A day

1 comment:

Tongue-fu Lady said...

awesome girl! I love it..keep gotta gift! :)